Archeo Forum
Platform for exchange between archeologists
ArcheoForum responds to the needs expressed by professionals who want to communicate more easily with each other and to have an effective exchange platform.
It allows the development of a network of specialists who can be consulted on particular issues. Coupled with a search tool, this platform also transforms into a knowledge base.

Exchange platform for working groups
ArcheoForum is primarily a response to needs expressed by professionals who want to communicate with each other and have a means to complement traditional email exchanges with mailing lists.
ArcheoForum therefore provides a platform for discussions so that exchanges can easily take place within working groups and between individuals.
The aim is to foster exchanges, ensure confidentiality (if necessary), and be able to easily find topics or discussion elements scattered within tens of thousands of interactions.

Levels of discussion tailored to each need
ArcheoForum implements three levels of discussion: private, semi-public or public.

Private discussion
A private discussion is characterized by the creation of a small group for the discussion. The author of the group can invite other ArcheoBase members or external people by simply adding their email address. Only members of the group can access its content. This restricted level of exchange will be useful, for example, during confidential interactions between specialists before publication.

Semi-public discussion
A semi-public discussion is characterized by access to the entire ArcheoBase community, that is, the professionals of the archeological world. This makes it possible to benefit from a space for exchange between professionals, and thus to have a self-regulated space, with a guarantee of quality in terms of content. Brainstorming and the gathering of opinions on particular subjects can be promoted within this professional community.

Public discussion
A public discussion, as its name suggests, will be open to the general public on the Internet. A user of ArcheoBase will be able to launch a discussion topic in order to get the opinion of as many people as possible. He or she will be the moderator or he or she may designate the person who will assume this function. Controls will be available to ensure the quality of the discussions and access may be restricted if necessary.